
This version lets you test our fully connected GSM solution!
It works in SAAS mode, with data hosted on our servers.
Access to this tool is not possible without an Internet connection!

Windows PC program
PC version of the GSM SAAS solution, movements made on the PC application are directly visible from the GSM Online WEB interface.
You are limited to a maximum of 40 references on the PC version.

Android smartphone app SOLTISCAN
SoltiScan Android application, this version of the application enables you to carry out inward, outward and inventory movements directly from your Android smartphone, with movements visible on the GSM Online WEB interface.

Do you have specific needs? Contact us using the links below
Possibilities are unlimited and require expertise, so don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements.
Internet website
Please visit our website

Contact us by email to ask any question and get a free quote.

Discuss your needs directly with one of our experts.
+33 438 21 34 22